Monday, January 14, 2008

Christmas Day 2007

Christmas Day 2007

I hope everyone had a fun holiday. I thought that I would write a little story about what happened Christmas morning at our house. In Adam's family it is tradition to have wrapping paper taped across the hallway so that the kids can't see their presents before Mom and Dad are awake. We have decided to carry on the tradition with this year being the second year that we have done it. This year Austin was so eager to see what Santa had left, that once we gave the okay he wasted no time and just crawled under the paper. Leaving his sisters to rip through while he had first reign of what Santa left. It took the girls about another two minutes to actually rip get through. It was Classic! Austin went for the candy in his stocking first. Kelsea looked at all the little things Santa left before seeing the baby dolls that went with them. Makayla emptied her stocking to find a couple oranges. She was so excited to see the oranges that she failed to see that Santa had left her three brand new Barbies. If Santa had only known oranges and Smarties was all they wanted... As a whole the day went well. It was a little bit hard for me because not only was it the first year I wasn't spending time with my family (parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins), I also was in charge of cooking Christmas dinner which I have never done before. I chose a ham and my new Crockpot did a great job cooking it. Everything turned out well and Christmas ended-up being quite peaceful. I even was able to squeeze in a nap. Adam enjoyed the meal, played his computer, and also got a nap. We had made it through another Christmas. Then it was time to go to Grandma's...

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