Saturday, March 8, 2008

Baby Is Here!

Announcing the Arrival

Jaxton Douglas MacPherson

Born on March 7, 2008 at 8:31 a.m.

His Weight: 8.26 lbs His Length: 20 3/4 inches

We are so happy to finally have our baby here. He is doing well and aside from some back pain and lack of sleep I am doing well too. We came home today which is nice. My mom has been here helping with the kids which has been a great help and stress reliever for me. The hardest part of everything is that Kelsea, Austin, and Daddy have been sick with that bad cold/flu that has been going around. So, we are taking extreme measures to keep the sickness away from Jaxton. Overall, though things are going pretty good.


On a little side note: I thought I would mention the profound thing that Kelsea said today after we came home. We were talking about how she used to be a baby once and she replied: "Yes, I was a baby then I grew into myself." If you think about these words we all 'grow into ourselves' a little more every day.

1 comment:

Galadriel said...

congratulations on the birth of your beautiful new baby. it's hard to believe he's here already. i really enjoy reading about your family, so keep on updating.