Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Break March 13th-16th

The week after Jaxton's birthday, we went to Vernal. We had to go get Makayla anyway because she had been in Vernal all week for her Spring Break days. While there the girls got invited to a b-day party for for their friend Harley. It was nice enough that they were able to have the party at the park. After the party was over, we as a family, stayed and had a picnic. (Grandpa Rob, Grandma Lawona, and Kaloni included.) We pretty much spent the day at the park. Adam and the kids tried to keep a kite in the air, Kelsea made friends with a little boy who kept calling her 'sister' and followed her everywhere. I am not sure if she liked him as much, but she was nice and put up with him. I told Adam that 'it looked like he was going already start beating the boys off with a stick.' He agreed. What can we say our girls are cuties! Jaxton was doing his best to move around the playground and we tried to get him to keep his sunglasses on, but anything like shoes, socks, hats or sunglasses don't usually stay on longer than 30 seconds. After hours of fun we decided it was time to leave the park. Not bad for a pre-spring day.

The next day we went to Roosevelt because my uncle was put in the High Coucil in his stake. We spent the afternoon at his house with his family and Grandma and Grandpa Sessions. Not to mention having a yummy meal.

Sunday night Jaxton fell off the bed and landed on his nose. Then I went and put a red shirt on him the morning. Yea we called him Rudolph for awhile. Then on Monday we traveled home the looong way because there was an accident that closed the road over Douglas Pass. It took us forever it seemed to get home because the kids kept needing bathroom breaks and Jaxton screamed half the way. He was tired of being in his carseat. It wasn't too bad, we saw lots of deer and elk and the scenery was prettier.

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