Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our Creatures

This week, we met some new creatures. The toad is our new pet. We named him Leonardo and currently have a nice little tank for him. In a week or so though we are going to let him go. There are lots of toads around our house because they like the crickets and also because we don't like that far from the Colorado River. Leonardo is the third toad we have caught this summer. He also is very good at croaking. We put his tank next to the fish tank and he sits in his water bowl and watches the fish. Yes, he has even tried catching the fish, but ends up hitting the side of the tank. The other creature was on the front door the other night. For those of you who don't know, it is a katydid. They like to live in trees and make noises sort of like crickets do. Anyway, this is the first time I have ever seen one although I have heard them before. Well, that is just a couple more interesting creatures we can add to our list of animals and bugs we have seen since we lived here along with the sun spiders, orb spiders, walking sticks, and preying mantisis. Usually, when we find new creatures we try to find out about them. Austin has had lots of fun catching crickets in the back yard which we have an abundence of. He thinks it is fun to watch Leonardo eat them in one flash of his tongue. Even the girls will catch crickets to feed him.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahh, I miss the frogs in GJ! They are so much fun to catch and play with. Good times.