While they were gone it was pretty quiet with just Makayla and Jaxton here at home. Makayla had a sleep over with a friend, went to a play, and had a mother-daughter night at the movies and the bookstore which was great fun for the both of us. Adam and I went to a movie, and Jaxton was grumpy and sick all week. I don't understand why my kids are getting sick in the middle of July. It is crazy!
I also took advantage of a quiet night shopping alone and got most of the kids' school supplies. All that is left are shoes and clothes. All the backpacks, pencils, folders, etc are all ready to go. Austin is excited to try out his new backpack although we won't know until August if he will be going to preschool or not. Even then if he is he wont start until September. I did all the paperwork in May so if all goes well he will be fine, but you never know. School starts on August 23rd for the girls. It is going to be a little crazy having a new baby, which we are hoping will be born by August 19th, then school starting so close afterward. Both girls will be attending school all day which I am looking forward to, but it also means two kids to be off to the bus by 7:20am instead of one. I think they will be walking to the bus stop until it gets cold now that they can walk together.
Yesterday, we met with Mom and traded kids around. She now has Makayla for the next two weeks or so and Kelseanja and Austin are home now. Let's just say that the house isn't as quiet as it was last week. It is interesting how when you split your kids up for a little while you learn who is responsible for certain messes in the house. When they are all home it is hard to always narrow in on the culprit, but now I know who is doing what which makes it easier for me to know who need to clean the messes up.
Anyway, I managed to catch a few cute pictures of Jaxton over the last week. He was having fun with his new book and then insisted on playing dress-up with his hat, vest, new orange shirt, and hippo even though it was around midnight. That is what I get for allowing him to take a late nap. But he was so cute! It will be interesting to see how he reacts when the baby comes. I asked him if he was going to be a good big brother and his response was: "Nope." I am not too worried though. He really likes babies and he will eventually get used to being a big brother. It still amazes me how much each of my kids have grown up so much. There is nothing like preparing for a newborn to show you how big your other kids are.