Thursday, January 31, 2008

Almost Baby Time!

Well, we are getting closer to baby time!

Tuesday we had a little scare as I started to have really hard contractions. They weren't painful or consistent enough to time just intense. And I was getting them often enough. Since I already had a scheduled doctors appointment, I decided to wait and see what she said before I went to the hospital. After listening to my symptoms and having an ultrasound she sent me to the hospital to be monitored for awhile. I continued to have contractions. Since I am only at 33weeks we didn't want the contractions to lead to labor. They gave me a shot to relax my uterus and then watched me some more. After six hours they decided that the contractions weren't putting me in labor and they let me go. Although, now I am on a modified bed rest which basically means I have to take it as easy as possible. They knew I had other children to take care of so they couldn't put me on complete bed rest, but I think they would have. We were both lucky that Adam had his days off this weeks so he was around to help out and watch the kids. Today he had to go back to work, but he knows that he is on call, just in case.

I am happy to report that since Tuesday I have been feeling a lot better and haven't had many contractions. The ones I have had are not nearly as hard or as often as the ones I had on Tuesday. I am quite tired most of the time, but I don't expect that will change for awhile even after the baby comes. As for the baby, his is just fine. His heart rate is strong and he continues to be very active. He is measuring a week ahead of schedule at around 5lbs 1 oz. Our goal is to keep him inside for at least another two to three weeks so he will be strong and healthy when he is born. At this point it is just a waiting game to see what will happen next.

Since Tuesday, my visiting teacher has heard about my ordeal. She is also in the Primary Presidency where I serve as a CTR 5 teacher and today has relieved me of teaching. So, now I don't have to stress about teaching. I am grateful, yet I wasn't ready for that to happen for another few weeks at least, so I wasn't totally ready to turn over the manual when she came by. My focus is now on getting through the next few weeks and focusing on the baby coming and preparing my other kids on what is going to happen soon.

I will keep updating as much as I can. Soon enough I will have a post all about our new son so watch for that to come.

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