Sunday, May 25, 2008

Makayla's Last Days of Kindergarten

On May 19th, Makayla performed in her first school play. She was a little butterfly in the play: A Froggy Day In Lindentown. The kids were adorable and did an awesome job. Makayla was a little dazed out and couldn't remember all of the words to the songs, but she still did a good job. I thought that for kids ages 5-8 the little performance was excellent! I was impressed! They did so much better than the older group of kids who sang a couple songs and played some rhythms on various percussion instruments.

The next day was Makayla's last day of school. Her old school is being torn down because they are building a new school behind the old one. This was the last year for Columbine Elementary and because of that the school sponsored a "Farewell to Columbine" day for parents and alumni. I missed most of the program, but we spent the rest of the day at the festivities. After lunch, the kids had a ultimate play day at the park next to the school. There were jump tents, a slip-n-slide, a dunking booth, a magician, a fire truck that sprayed the kids, and treats. The teachers were all going crazy because they felt they had little control, but all the kids had a ball and there were many parents there to help so it turned out to be fine. Makayla sat in the dunking booth twice and she was the last one to get dunked before they closed it all down. Adam helped Austin do the honors. He tried to throw the balls, but when he missed Adam just picked him up to push the button. As for Kelsea, she was afraid to go on the slip-n-slide and watched the other kids play on it for probably close to two hours. She finally decided to try it and from then on she played on it non-stop. She even got Austin to go a couple times. Makayla, Kelseanja, and Austin were all soaked, but they enjoyed themselves. Thankfully, Jaxton slept through most of it.

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