Saturday, September 26, 2009

Labor Day Weekend 2009

On Labor Day weekend we went back up to the campsite that we camped at earlier this summer to have dinner with our friends (same friends we camped with). About ten minutes after we arrived it started pouring rain. The kids all got very dirty despite me trying to keep them in the camper. Jaxton got muddier than all the other kids combined. He was having so much fun! I could hardly recognize him. Luckily, the dirt was more like sand and after it dried it fell right off. Still Jaxton was dirtier than he has ever been in his life and that includes when we went camping.


Gilbrides said...

HOw fun! It looks like the kids had a blast. I was hoping at the beginning of summer, to try camping this year, but it looks like that isn't going to happen. I think it would be fun to take the kids on a picnic up in the mountains though--especially when the leaves are turning. There is nothing like watching kids enjoy plaing in the dirt :) Glad you guys had such a fun time!

Galadriel said...

Camping in the mud...sounds like you had more fun than if it were dry.