Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 24, 2009 Kelseanja's first day of Kindergarten

Horray! Kelseanja did wonderful today at Kindergarten. She didn't cry (and neither did I). When they opened the doors she was the first one in, and then I left . I didn't want her to change her mind about being brave. After school, however, she didn't get off the bus becasue the teacher didn't realize she needed to ride the bus. Which I found a little annoying becasue last Friday, at the Kindergarten Open House, they asked if she was going ride the bus and I told them that she would be riding it home because her sister rides the bus home. Then I asked if she would be able to ride on 'Monday' (today) and they said that she would be able to ride the bus home. So, when she didn't get off the bus I was worried. I rushed home and called the school who had tried calling me while I was at the bus stop. They said she was there in the office. I went and got her and she was just fine munching on some graham crackers. Not worried one bit that she didn't get to ride the bus home. I asked her how her day went at school and she told me that her teacher is really nice and that they colored, cut, and glued, then read stories. I also asked her if she made any new friends and she said: "The whole class are my new friends." She also told me: "And guess what, I didn't cry one bit I was really good for my teacher." So, tomorrow will go smoother. No first day gitters and she will be riding the bus home. Yay! Oh, and in case anyone one was wondering, yes Kelsea got a haircut. Don't you think she is sooo cute with her hair shorter? I do even though we didn't plan on it being so short it makes it easier to brush. Even the secretary in the office at school told me that "Kelsea had the cutest hair in Kindergarten today."
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Unknown said...

I love her hair!! She looks so cute.

Gilbrides said...

She is darling! Her hair is super-cute!! Glad to hear she had such a fun day!

Lacy said...

I had a similar thing happen to me the first day of my oldest 1st grade. I bet you were so scared! I don't blame you for being mad, at all!