Saturday, August 22, 2009

August 1, 2009 Huntsville Park at Hislop Family Reunion

When we were done at the temple we drove to Huntsville, UT to go to the Hislop Family Reunion. There we got to see even more members from a different branch of our family tree. The highlight for me was to see my Grandma Ann and Grandpa Rich as well as my Aunt Nettie. The three older kids had a blast on the blow-up waterslide. Jaxton loved the lollipop that Great-Aunt Linda gave him. My sister Kaloni rode from youth conference to the reunion with my grandparents. Then we got to bring her back to Grand Junction with us when we came home. Kaloni also had fun getting wet and sliding with the kids. Kelseanja chickened out at the top of the slide so Aunt Kaloni had to rescue her. One of the events from the reunion was a fashon show where models showed of the latest fashions such as plunging necklines, bear backs, bib overalls, top hats, cotton skirts, and double breasted suits. And can't forget the famous Jim-bag. Anyway, the reunion was great and it was nice to see extended members of the family.

After the reunion, Kaloni the kids and I went to see even more family by stopping to see our Grandma Lloy's cousin whom everyone calls Aunt Lawona. Her and her husband Keith live in Huntsville too, so we couldn't resist a visit. Aunt Lawona is probably one of the funnest people to visit with. Her stories keep anyone interested for hours and the best part is that they are all true. We had an awesome visit and hope to visit again soon.
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1 comment:

The Neffs said...

Randy and I are so hoping to make it to a reunion, soon. Maybe next year!!