Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 19, 2009 Back-to-School

Makayla headed back to school on the 19th. She is now in second grade. Makayla was so excited to be back to school. The day before school, the school had an ice cream social where she was supposed to meet her new teacher,but because both of us were sick with a tummy bug she went to school not knowing who's class she was in. When she returned home she told me that she likes her new teacher. I still have yet to meet the teacher, but I have heard that she is a good teacher. Makayla has informed me that tomorrow will be the first day of 'homework'. Which I know is nesseccary, but it when you are a parent you are responsible to make sure your child is doing all of their homework. So, therefore you also have homework. Anyway, Makayla is now making new friends and can't wait until Kelseanja can join her on the bus ride home.
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Gilbrides said...

Glad to hear she had a great first day even though she didn't get to meet her teacher. (glad she is feeling better too!) She is so cute and looks so grown-up.

PS. I love your new back-2-school background. Too cute!

Lacy said...

She looks just like you!