Sunday, March 23, 2014

Happy 10th Birthday Kelseanja!

It is hard to believe how fast my kids are growing up! In February, Kelseanja turned 10! It seems like she was my sweet little baby girl who rarely cried and loved to cuddle. Now she is always ready for the next activity and playing with her friends. She is trying her hand at cooking and is doing really well. Her first attempt at fried eggs turned out perfectly and tasted so yummy! She recently even created her own soup and is not afraid to throw ingredients together to try something new. It is nice to have another person who likes to cook. Between her and Makayla it means that there are less meals that I have to cook which is so nice. For Kelsea's birthday, she went to Activity Days then we did a family party at home. She talked to family on the phone and opened several fun new gifts. I think her favorite is the large stuffed panda bear although I think she liked the rug and lamp to decorate her room as well. She also wears at least one of her new bows every day and has already painted at least one painting with her new paints. Kelseanja is such a joy to have in our family. She is so helpful and has such a sweet spirit. I am so happy that I am her mother and that I get to watch her learn and grow even if she isn't my little baby girl anymore. Love you Kelseanja!

1 comment:

Kim Zuch said...

Your kids are growing SO fast!!