Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baby Cereal, Corn Husking, Pj's, and a Band-aid

Jaxton's first real taste of baby cereal. Messy, but after several tries he decides he likes the oatmeal flavored baby cereal. He still has a hard time keeping it in his mouth though. And he gets upset when I don't spoon the cereal fast enough.

Sunday we had corn on the cob for dinner and I had Kelsea and Austin help me husk the corn.

The kids hanging-out still in pj's Sunday morning.

So Cute!
Who is hiding under the blanket?

It's Austin!

Jaxton scratched his face Friday then the next morning scratched the scab off so I had to put a band-aid on his cheek to stop the bleeding. I also trimmed his fingernails. Having a band-aid on his cheek didn't seem to faze him. He still is full of smilies!


Unknown said...

Cute pictures!!! The kids are growing up so much! I hope your week of traveling was a good and safe one!

Unknown said...

Hey I nominated you for a blog award. Go to my blog for details.

Ashley Rv said...

Hey your blog looks fabulous and your family is adorable. cute pics by the way!