Monday, January 19, 2009

Goofy Kids

Well, it has been a little while since I posted anything, mostly due to the fact that over the past week our house has been visited by the flu bug. The kids all got some form of the nasty bug and all still have awful sounding coughs. I too have felt like I may be getting a cough. It will be so nice to have a healthy family again. Trying to keep-up with four sick kids at once is not an easy task. Anyway, I wanted to post some pictures of the kids acting goofy the week before they all got sick.

The kids got some Kid K'nex toys for Christmas and the toys have been a great hit. Everyone has had fun building 'creatures'. They keep the kids busy for quite awhile. The biggest problem is that they don't seem to have enough pieces for everyone to have what they want. I may have to invest in a few more sets to keep the peace. One night they kids went totally crazy and started building hats.

This is Austin's 'Helicopter Snake'

One night, just after I got Jaxton in his PJ's, he started putting his socks in his mouth. I started laughing and he started showing off. It was so funny to watch him crawl around with the socks hanging out of his mouth. I didn't realize that socks would make such a good teether. Which by the way Jaxton now has three more teeth on the top bringing his grand total to 5 teeth.

1 comment:

Gilbrides said...

Your kids are so cute! I love the headbands and the socks in the mouth. I love to see the "goofy" side of kids!