Picture for the Day: After a long day of shopping with Daddy, Jaxton just couldn't stay awake until dinner was ready.
Just a quick post to say that the baby is still not here. He is taking his sweet time and enjoying the last few days he has snuggled in my belly. My doctor is currently out of town until Tuesday. I also have an appointment that day so who knows, maybe by Wednesday? We will keep you all posted.
Anyway, this is a big week for us since the girls start school tomorrow. The other day, I took them to the school to meet their new teachers. Surprisingly, Makayla has the teacher she had in Kindergarten who is now teaching 3rd grade, and Kelseanja has the teacher Makayla had for first grade. We really like both teachers so I think it is going to be a great year! Also, Austin was accepted into the preschool that my friend's little girls is going to! He is super excited and starts school on the 31st. So life at our house is going to get really crazy really soon with three kids in school and a new baby! It will all be good in the long run though.
Best of luck with school starting and with your new special delivery :) I am really sad to see school starting because that means that both my girls will be in school and preschool and that twice a week for 3 hours I will be all by myself! Also, they are both in singing classes which just means that life is starting to get busy and will only get busier from here on out. I don't think I'm ready for my girls to be growing up so quickly!!
I'm glad your baby boy is right on schedule. In the month before I had Franklin I had a lot of people ask me if I was tired of waiting; I wasn't!
Anyway, I'm really excited for you, and can't wait to see pictures.
And hasn't Jaxton gotten big all of a sudden! What a cutie.
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