Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Working on updating the look of the blog which may take a little while, but I have a little update on the baby: Went to the doctor today and I have only gained about half a pound in two weeks, I am 1 cm dilated, about 50% effaced (thinned down), and the baby's head is really low which is probably why I haven't been able to walk that great for a couple weeks because it hurts too much. What does this all mean? Well, it means that I could have the baby any day or I could have the baby in a couple weeks...I think that after next weeks appointment, which I am pretty sure we will make to, we will have a better idea. The doctor I saw today wasn't my regular doctor because my doctor got called to the hospital at the same time as my appointment. The other doctor said that if I was dilated to 3 cm and contracting then she would have sent me to the hospital. But I haven't been having very many contractions yet. Anyway, who knows maybe the next post with be about the baby's arrival.


Gilbrides said...

I hope for you, that this all means your baby is on his way and soon! Looking forward to seeing this cute little addition to your already beautiful family! Best of luck!!

Galadriel said...

Exciting! Make sure you let us know when you have him...don't leave us hanging!